Friday, May 30, 2008

Traditional Oaxacan Butcher

Calf standing in front of a traditional open-air butcher in the state of Oaxaca, Mexico.

Guy radioed "check out the butcher on the left" as we passed and I did a fast u-turn when I saw the calf standing in front of fresh meat. After making small talk with the people, I pointed at the calf standing and asked "does he know he's next?" The woman in charge laughed and said "¡Soy su mamá! - I'm his mother, he's got a long life ahead of him!" He was rejected by his mother at birth, so she bottle-feeds him and keeps him nearby.

There's nothing hidden or mechanized in the processing of meat in rural Mexico.

Once the people saw that I wasn't grossed out or judgmental, they relaxed and started asking questions about the U.S., including how cows are butchered - in some ways the same, in some very different! They showed me their tools, explained the different parts, and demonstrated bottle-feeding the calf. They were very proud to continue a long local tradition.

A beautiful little girl in Oaxaca very proud of her baby chick.

This little girl got in the act, hamming it up for the camera, proudly showing her toys and possessions, including this baby chick. Like just about everywhere else in rural Mexico, everyone was incredibly open, kind and warm.